Attitude to Learning

Traditionally many schools have awarded grades for effort, but effort is often invisible. It is almost impossible to measure how much effort a child has put in to a piece of learning and often grades have been awarded which reflect the quality of the final product rather than the process. 

An attitude to learning can be measured because there are indicators such as the level of engagement, preparation, punctuality and perseverance. Not only this but children can be supported in making an improvement in their attitude to learning with specific actions.

The Yateley Manor “Attitude to Learning” criteria has been written to focus on the elements of a successful learner. The four point grading system from A to D offers an indication of a child's progress with their attitude, which in turn is an indicator for future learning success.

Attitude to Learning grades are also recorded in children's Record Books at least every four weeks to keep parents up to date with current progress.

An attitude to learning can be measured because there are indicators such as the level of engagement, preparation, punctuality and perseverance.