mayfair flyer

Friends of Yateley Manor School - FYMS


The Friends of Yateley Manor School (FYMS) is part of the Yateley Manor family. FYMS is made up of parents, teachers and friends and its aim is to:·

  • Provide further facilities and resources that are beyond the parameters of school budgets to advance the education of the pupils
  • Encourage an inclusive community of staff, parents, guardians, those associated with the school and most importantly the pupils of the school
  • Engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

FYMS hosts several exciting events throughout the academic year for children, parents, and families to enjoy, which enables us to raise funds. Each term we host seasonally themed activities for the Pre-Prep children such as the Christmas disco and Easter Egg Hunt. The Prep children enjoy an end of term disco whilst Years 7 & 8 are working with us directly on their plans to celebrate the end of term. 

We have our own Facebook page as well as our own website, through which all events are managed. To help spread the word about upcoming events, there are dedicated FYMS year group reps who post our messages via WhatsApp on our behalf to parents. You can also reach us via email at, which is actively monitored.

Our Current Fundraising Initiative

FYMS are thrilled to be partnering with the school council to expand on the provision of playground equipment available to Prep children. The children were asked to speak to their respective year groups and classes to understand the type of things they would like to do during the break and lunch times. We were really impressed with the level of engagement and the children’s ideas. The School Council presented their ideas back to the FYMS Committee and we now have a consolidated wish list, which we hope to start fulfilling in the 2022/2023 academic year. Watch this space for more details about our plans.

Our primary source of fundraising is the events and initiatives that we run throughout the year. You can also support us when you shop online!

The first way to support through shopping is through Easy Fundraising. Simply create an account and with over 4100 online retailers, every time you spend online via the Easy Fundraising Website, FYMS gets a donation from the retailers.

The second way is with Amazon Smile AmazonSmile is available on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping App for iOS and Android phones. If you shop using the Amazon app, please turn on Amazon Smile in the settings function.

Events for 2022

We have an exciting number of events already confirmed for the remainder of this academic year and we hope to add more.  Watch this space!

Event/Activity Date Venue Time
Bags 2 School Friday 21st April Manor Court 08:00 - 08:30
May Fair Saturday 20th May Yateley Manor Playing Fields 12:00 - 15:00
Year 6 and 8 Hoodies March Online N/A
Prep Sports Day Refreshments Monday 26th June Yateley Manor Playing Fields  
Nursery & Pre Prep End of Year Party Friday 23rd June JumpIn Camberley 18:00 - 19:30
Years 3-5 End of Year Party Friday 23rd June JumpIn Camberley 19:30 - 21:00
Years 6 - 8 End of Year Party Tuesday 20th June JumpIn Camberley 19:00 - 21:30

Pre-Prep Fun Afternoon

At the start of the academic year, FYMS hosted the annual Pre-Prep fun afternoon to welcome our newest and youngest pupils and their families. Parents very kindly donated some delicious, sweet treats for everyone to enjoy with tea and coffee. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and a welcome opportunity for families to get together after a long period of limited or restricted gatherings.  Parents could meet one another whilst the children played in the adventure playground and on one of the bouncy castles kindly donated to us for the afternoon.


FYMS Barn Dance

In October, we held another Barn Dance at Meade Hall in Minley with a BBQ and live band. This was a great evening, with a lot of laughter and caller led dancing. 

By popular demand, we are looking to host another barn dance in November 2023.

Christmas Cards

What better way to showcase the children’s artistic talents and help raise funds for FYMS than have them design your Christmas cards each year? Our amazing Pre-Prep Teachers and Teaching Assistants help the children create their masterpiece, which is then turned into Christmas cards, wrapping paper and even small gifts such as key rings. Prep children can collect a template from reception to complete in their own time, so they don’t get to miss out on the fun.


FYMS Christmas Fair 2021

The magical snowscape of Lapland came to Yateley Manor in late November as FYMS hosted our Christmas Fair. The drama studio was turned into a winter wonderland as we welcomed Santa in his very own igloo to meet the children and find out what they wanted for Christmas. Children were also able to write their letters to Santa, make some magical reindeer food and do some arts and crafts. Meanwhile, adults could peruse the different stalls in our shopping experience to finish their Christmas shopping. The school catering team cooked up a treat with hot dogs and doughnuts and Mrs Hustler (Director of Music) led the children’s choirs to showcase their talents throughout the afternoon too.


End of Term Discos 2022

This year FYMS hosted a Christmas party for the Pre-Prep children with the additional bonus of a disco. Santa popped in to see the children and deliver an early Christmas present to each child. The party continued throughout the afternoon with our Christmas disco. The children had such a good time, dancing away to the favourite tunes or playing games, whilst donning their amazing festive jumpers. Our Prep children also enjoyed their end of term discos complete with foam machine and Christmas party games. There was a lot of sparkle and glitter too!

22 Ways to Go Green in 2022

As a committee we feel passionate about ensuring our activities and events are as considerate to the environment as possible. We have already taken several steps to minimise our carbon footprint, but we are a little way off our target of 22 ways to go green in 2022. Here are our initiatives so far and we are looking forward to working with the Yateley Manor Eco Committee to achieve our target.

  1. Moving to online event bookings to significantly reduce our paper consumption
  2. Managing communications digitally
  3. Encouraging children to bring a water bottle to discos to eliminate single use plastic
  4. Organising a Bags2School collection each term for preloved clothes and shoes
  5. Organising collection of used printer cartridges via bins in the school reception
  6. Recycling preloved, good condition fancy dress costumes for our online world book day costume sale
  7. Collecting donations of preloved Christmas jumpers for a sale at the next Christmas Fair
  8. Collecting donations of preloved Christmas decorations and using them to replace ours, which are a little worse for wear now!
  9. Offering discounts on hot drinks to those who attend our events with a reusable cup/mug
  10. Recycling any brand new and unopened, unwanted gifts for use as raffle prizes at our events throughout the year
  11. ……………...We need more!

If you have an idea, want to get involved or have items you would like to donate then please do email us at   

What FYMS Have Funded So Far

Over the years FYMS has raised money to purchase several incredible additions to the school such as the climbing wall, aeroball and the outdoor stage. We have previously also raised money for new lighting in the drama studio, the Pre-Prep adventure playground, basketball kits, the woodland learning canopy and the onsite defibrillators.


Amazon Smile


Chairperson - Hannah Wilson


Vice Chairperson - Liz Perry


Treasurer - Kate Randall


Secretary - Sarah-Jane Gasser








Honorary Chairperson - Tristan Morris