Core Values
The values of our school are like a heartbeat for everybody. Values guide our actions, so they are in alignment with our beliefs. They also connect us to the core of who we are.
At Yateley Manor we have six core values which run like a vein through our community. They help guide the way we are with one another; they channel our behaviour and bring the community together to provide children with opportunities which will lead to successful adult lives.
Happiness - Happiness is something that people seek to find, yet what defines happiness can vary from one person to the next. It is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction. Even when faced with discomfort, people experiencing happiness have an underlying sense of optimism that things will get better, that they can deal with what is happening, and that they will be able to feel happy again.
Reflectiveness - Reflection brings learning to life. Being reflective helps us find relevancy and meaning in life and supports the making of connections between educational experiences and real-life situations. It increases insight and creates pathways to future learning.
Community - The word community is, without question, central to human experience. Having a sense of community embraces spirit, character, image, and pride and is a vital element of a healthy community. Everyone in our school community matters to one another.
Resilience - Resilience is the ability to bounce back when things do not go as planned. Resilience gives us the ability to see past problems, find enjoyment in life and better handle stress. Resilient people do not dwell on failure – they embrace it as part of the learning process.
Teamwork – Teamwork, in simple terms, is the process of collaborating and working together in a group to achieve a common goal. When a group of people works cooperatively, they are combining each of their personal strengths to enhance their overall performance of the team. Teamwork will follow children throughout their lives and therefore its development in childhood is vital.
Relationships - Strong relationships can dramatically enhance levels of motivation and therefore promote learning. Strong relationships between adults and children need to include expressing care, challenging growth, providing support, and expanding possibilities. An excellent school is built on the foundation of strong relationships and these are palpable at Yateley Manor.
Core Values Art Work
Year groups across the school were inspired by the Core Values to create art work which is now on display in our School Reception.